Tamsin Rickeard



5 Linden Avenue
NW10 5QS

Brent and Camden Osteopaths

Tay Building
2a Wrentham Avenue
Kensal Rise
NW10 3HA

Contact Details


[email protected]






Certified Rolfer™

I qualified as a Certified Rolfer in London in March 2022. My training is certified by the British Academy of Rolfing and Structural Integration and is accredited by the European Rolfing Association.

I am also a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. Somatic Experiencing (SE) was created by Peter Levine and is a bottom up approach which helps people who may have become stuck in fight, flight, freeze or fawn responses to gradually transform wounds of PTSD, emotional and childhood trauma. I have added to this knowledge base by taking the Integral Somatic Psychology (ISP) training with Raja Selvam which enhances the work of SE.

I bring a trauma informed approach to my work and am constantly amazed by the body’s inherent wisdom and ability to heal if given the space, gentle interventions and additional resourcing that are an inherent part of my practicing modalities. I believe that SE and Rolfing are very compatible and can work well either as stand alone enquiries or by interweaving the 2 approaches. I am a member of the European Rolfing Association, Somatic Experiencing Association UK and the Complimentary Therapists Association.

My first career has for many years been spent working in business and finance as a consultant and director helping companies affect change. I am incredibly grateful for the experiences and opportunities that this has afforded me. I hope to bring the skills of facilitating transformation to my passion of working with people.

Like most therapists I have come to this work as a result of my own journey of healing and development. I spent many years working with Psychotherapists and doing intense group retreats before I had the confidence to feel into being able to offer my services to help facilitate change with clients. As part of my own journey I explored a more body centred approach which took me to Rolfing and SE which I found transformational. I have an active daily meditation and movement practice and continue to โ€do the workโ€ that I find supports my growth and ability to be help others on their journey.

What clients say about working with me:

“I am writing to say that I cannot thank you enough for the miraculous transformation you have made to my body. I am absolutely amazed at the change in how I feel. I can see how my body has changed in structure, which is amazing, especially in my advanced years. I was diagnosed with osteo arthritis when I was 28 and I am now many decades in advance from there but I feel I have a new life in my 70โ€™s. I was afraid of doing some exercises in case I put my back out or my neck or shoulder. Now my body feels much stronger and I have confidence, feeling fitter and able to trust my body and doing exercises which I had given up for fear of damaging my body further. I would recommend you to anyone. You are what I have been looking for for many years. So, once again, thank you for giving me my life and my dancing and aerobics backโ€

Please see my website www.somatic.works for more details.
