Jeff delivered a thoroughly engaging and, in many ways, mind-boggling workshop on joints, bursae, and tendons. Drawing on his over 40 years of practice, Jeff literally embodies the span of the Rolfing legacy, moving from Ida Rolf’s more robust ideas around manifesting change in the fabric of fascia manually through to this very precise, gentle, and immediately effective spectrum of touch on offer in this workshop. For many of us, this was a real shift in orientation and possibly a refreshing shift for the hands.
Feeding all of our hungry brains and bodies, we were hosted by Tara Fraser and her partner Nigel at Ashley Court in Devon, with gorgeous food and accommodation, kept warm, watered, and with (very) full bellies. Advice for next time: leave space for pudding.
That’s a short and sweet summary – if you are interested in Jeff’s work, and didn’t get a copy of his recently published book (from a very quick flip through my copy, which arrived yesterday) have a look for it. I think it might be the kind of book that we return to often as it accompanies our evolving practice. He takes time to articulate with clarity and great graphics what can be ‘ambiguous’, or more perceptually subtle, techniques and approaches imported from the world of osteopathy. No small feat and his years of practice certainly give these pages the experiential depth needed to translate to hands.…/assessment…/9781839978746/
We’ll be looking to invest in another workshop next year. Let us know if you would like to know more about Jeff and his work by commenting below!
RUK team